
What are Deep Dental Cleanings, and What Do They Entail?

Dentists recommend dental deep cleanings for patients with deep pockets around their teeth and gums. The deep pockets are usually the result of gum disease . Deep cleaning is also known as scaling and root planning. The first step of deep dental cleaning is scaling. This involves using a small metal tool to remove tartar (hardened plaque) from above and below the gum line. Next, your dentist will use the root planning tool to clean the rough spots on your tooth's root where plaque and tartar have collected. This helps to smooth out the tooth's surface so that it's harder for plaque and tartar to re-attach in the future. Dental deep cleanings are important because they help to remove bacteria and tartar buildup that can cause gum disease. Gum disease is a serious infection that can damage your mouth's gums, bones, and other tissues. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss. Deep cleanings can help to prevent gum disease and keep your mouth healthy. If you ha

How Much Time Do You Need to Get a Tooth Filling?

Getting a tooth filling process is a standard dental procedure similar to a repair job for fixing damages to your tooth caused by tooth decay. The recommendation of having a tooth filled from the Bellaire dentist’s office will make you wonder what causes cavities and may even encourage you to ask the dentist what are tooth fillings? The causes for the cavity are the gross neglect of your oral hygiene to encourage the development of plaque and tooth decay on your teeth, which are the prime culprits creating holes. You will remain at ease when informed tooth fillings are generally a painless procedure to take away the apprehensions in your mind making you think, “tooth filling does it hurt?” Perhaps your dentist can put you at ease with information the filling procedure requires just about an hour when you will feel no pain during the process. The dentist gives you local anaesthesia to numb the tooth and the tissues surrounding it. The dentist 77074 begins the procedure by taking x-ray