How Much Time Do You Need to Get a Tooth Filling?

Getting a tooth filling process is a standard dental procedure similar to a repair job for fixing damages to your tooth caused by tooth decay. The recommendation of having a tooth filled from the Bellaire dentist’s office will make you wonder what causes cavities and may even encourage you to ask the dentist what are tooth fillings?

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The causes for the cavity are the gross neglect of your oral hygiene to encourage the development of plaque and tooth decay on your teeth, which are the prime culprits creating holes. You will remain at ease when informed tooth fillings are generally a painless procedure to take away the apprehensions in your mind making you think, “tooth filling does it hurt?”

Perhaps your dentist can put you at ease with information the filling procedure requires just about an hour when you will feel no pain during the process. The dentist gives you local anaesthesia to numb the tooth and the tissues surrounding it. The dentist 77074 begins the procedure by taking x-rays of the tooth or teeth needing the fillings to determine the extent of the tooth decay affecting you.

Different types of fillings are also discussed with you before starting the procedure after considering the location of the decayed tooth, the biting pressure the tooth must sustain, and your aesthetic preferences. If you need a filling on your molars, the dentist recommends silver amalgam or stainless steel fillings that are durable and don’t require extensive tooth structure removal. On the other hand, if the filling is needed on a tooth in the aesthetic zone of your mouth, you are offered tooth-coloured fillings made from composite resin or zirconia. It would help if you considered the cost of the fillings when choosing any material because some are more expensive than the others. Your dentist helps to determine which type of dental filling is best suited for your requirements.

Dental fillings require less than an hour, depending on the extent of the tooth decay. Getting a simple filling only requires around 20 minutes. However, if you need fillings on multiple teeth or have extensive tooth decay, you can expect the fillings procedure to last longer. The filling material is chosen by you also determines how much time the process will last. Some types of dental fillings need multiple visits as they must be fabricated in a dental laboratory.

When you visit your dentist’s office, it helps to discuss any or all questions you have in your mind to ensure you prepare yourself for the dental filling procedure ahead of time. Letting tooth decay affect you is never a pleasant experience and is merely a result of improper oral hygiene. You are probably lucky the infection in your mouth was detected early for restoration with dental fillings. Let the tooth decay progress, and you become susceptible to procedures like root canal treatments and having more restorations like dental crowns on your teeth at exorbitant prices. Therefore, after receiving treatment for the dental fillings, please make up your mind to practice oral hygiene routines recommended by your dentist and visit them for six-monthly cleanings and exams.


  1. Many people wonder how long do tooth fillings last. In most cases, white composite fillings last seven to ten years, but some studies say that they can last up to 20 years. A composite filling is made of hard plastic materials, such as glass or quartz, and is often the best choice for chipped teeth, minor gaps between teeth, and small cavities.


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